I really need to do this more  

Posted by Heidi

I think about the blog a lot..about coming here to tell you what is going on..but then I face book.. and forget..
So here we are again, with an update..But I am making a goal for myself to post a minimum of 3 times a week..even if it's just a picture..
anyway.. so what's been up, hmm
we just got through Christmas..
I made presents for 3 of my 5 kids..I was not sure what if anything to make for my step kids, so I made them each a personalized tile...they seemed to like them.
They are moving to California with their mom in a few days.. we will only see them in the summer and once or twice over the year..I don't think I should talk much more about this. I love those kids, but think that they really got messed up..ok, shutting up now.
I made an OU "Snuggie" for Donovan. It was my plan to make it OU/Broncos/Bears, but just went with the OU.. he loves it. it's perfect for when he is playing XBOX.
For Owen, I hand crafted a Super Hero Cape featuring his favorite show Yo Gabba Gabba and his favorite character from..Brobee..This is who he was for Halloween, too.
He loves to carry it around. I think he likes to see the friends, rather than wear them, but the look on his face and his reaction. "it my favorite" was worth it.
It was Julianna's 1st Christmas. she caught on the the ripping of paper very quick, not so much the joy of what was inside, but, she was adorable.
She is crawling all over, but not ready for standing just yet.
I noticed just before Christmas that she is about the cut her 2 front teeth, but while we were at my in laws, I noticed that she is cutting all 4 of her top front teeth...this would explain he mood the past week, and lack of appetite.
Once they come in or break through, it will be much nicer for all of us.
I made her some Rag Quilt letters, thanks Jenny, www.eagerlittlemind.com and Jessica www.ohsohappytogether.blogspot.com/2009/07/rag-quilt-letters-tutorial.html
She isn't that into them yet, other than throwing them about, but she will, I can tell she likes them.
I made Chris a gift too...a book about the 10 things I love about him. He said, and I quote " the single most thoughtful gift he has ever received"..that's all I have to say about that.
I am posting a few shots. I did manage to take some pictures.. enjoy. I hope fingers crossed to be back 2ce this week.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 28.12.09 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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