A new look and a new perspective  

Posted by Heidi

I am trying to find a new look for my blog. I am not that versed in web design but being married to a self proclaimed computer geek has it's advantages. I am trying to do it on my own, but will ask for help if I need it. I have my eye on a nice template and when I get it loaded, I will share it. Bear with me while I add some much needed upgrades.

Now for my new perspective, not just in general, but in life, the way I love my family and kids, and the way I see God, and the role he plays in my life.

I am a member of BabyZone, a great digital socializing site for parents or parents to be. On BabyZone, I am on a member board for babies born in February, when Julianna was due, even though she came early, I am still there and networking with other moms about mommy issues...anything from breastfeeding, to colic, to diapers, to sleep, you name it, we talk about it.
Through my due date/birthday club, I found Danielle in California. She has 10 kids, and her youngest was born very early, you can read about her here.
From her blog, I found Jennifer a.k.a MckMama who's baby boy Stellan has a heart condition, you can read about her here. Through MckMama, I found Aimee and Adam who just lost their baby girl Kayleigh this week, you can read about them here.
From MckMama's blog I also found Lynnette, and you can read her blog here.
While reading Lynnette's blog, I read about her stories of loss. She has lost 3 children. One to Anencephaly, one to a heart condition, and the third was lost to complications from a diaphragmatic hernia. Through yet another blog that I can't trace back to, I found Myah, who has Faith Hope a baby girl who was born with Anencephaly, but is living. You can read about baby Faith here.
For a few years I only followed a few blogs. Dooce was one of my favorites, at first I really identified with her. As time wore on, it was more a way for me to compare my life to others "out there" and really, to be brutally honest, it helped me to better appreciate what I had in my life that was of worth.
Dooce or Heather is not shy about telling to world how she feels. She can have a foul mouth at times and often shares more personal information about herself and her family than I would ever feel comfortable sharing. She and her husband make a living off of her blog which is great, but not really what I hope to gain from blogging. I don't blog for any other reason than to share stories of my life, my ideas, my perspective on things, and I never want to over expose my family or children, but blogging is a good way to share what is going on in our lives for family and friends across the country, as we are all spread out.

I have not been reading Dooce as much lately. From my reading of other blogs, I have found a way for me to really appreciate the little things in life. That life is precious and short and very unpredictable.
I spend every night before I got to bed, looking for and reading the stories of other families who have suffered loss, or tragedy. I pray for them then I thank God for what I have. My wonderful children, my amazing husband. The house I live in, the fact that my husband has the job he has so that I can stay home with my children. Our health, and the fact that I have healthy children. I am amazed at the strength that some families have, the faith they have in their marriages, or in some cases just in life itself.

It doesn't take much sometimes to realize just how good you have it, but I believe that God has a way to show you things, events, people who can sort of put you in the right place to see that life really is good, and can be good. The one thing that all these families have in common that I have noticed is they didn't give up, they loved and lost in the biggest way, yet they are still living. That's what life is all about, living even in the face of adversity and death you just keep going.
Okay that's all I have for now. I really need to get some sleep, but I first need to get my baby girl to sleep first, have any of you mom's out there not been able to sleep if you know one of your kids is still awake? I have always had issues with that...
wish me luck, if she doesn't sleep neither of us will.

This entry was posted on Friday, May 15, 2009 at 15.5.09 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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