
Posted by Heidi

I feel like I never have enough of it.
I mostly come here to my blog to update...
I do honestly have many ideas of other real topics which I would love to blog about, but I am often doing other things, like spending time with my kids, dishes, laundry, or sleeping...ahhhh sleep...
The last time I posted, it was during Spring, which felt like Summer, boy howdy..
now it's Summer and it feels like Hell...literally, it's like Brimstone and Fire outside...
this week we are reaching temperatures over 100 every day.
I posted on my facebook page just yesterday that I am thankful for many things, but mostly that we have a/c on these hot hot days.
I find it difficult to get motivated to go out anywhere.. but go out I must.
The groceries won't deliver themselves, and the library books won't take a taxi to get them selves turned in on time.. are there even taxi's in Oklahoma??
Well, let's see, what have we done...?
I drove to Hays to meet my sister so she and Donovan could go to California for the Sea World trip and their cruise around Mexico. They had an awesome time, from seeing Shamu to witnessing the naturally occurring blowhole at La Bufadora. He ate ice cream and played mini golf pretty much the 'hole' time, (get it? haha)
Then he spent a few days in Colorado with my Mom and Dad. They made home made Ice Cream, and even made a real volcano complete with Dinosaurs.
On the way out, we blew the hose to the a/c in the van, and on the way back I sat on the side of the highway just past the border of Oklahoma with a blown tire while Chris brought our 2 small children out to rescue me at 2 in the a.m.
Car trouble SUCKS.
While Donovan was gone, we took the LO's ( little ones) to The Little River Zoo. It's not your typical zoo. They have capuchin monkeys, ring tailed leumrs, red pandas and cotton topped tamarins, just to name a few of the unique animals that live there. They are all rescued animals, so you get a tour and an up close look at all of them. It was fascinating.
Owen loved to zoo, even though it was unbelievable hot. The funniest part was when he wanted to get in the cage with all the animals. Not that he was really all that interested in them, he was mostly fascinated by the bugs. That kids LOVES the bugs. Now if I can just get him to stop smashing them. Baby steps.
We have gone to my in laws house in Tulsa to swim, boy that pool is nice ..someday maybe Chris and I can have one for our kids and grand kids to enjoy.
This coming weekend, we are gone again to Dallas for my annual family reunion for my mom's family. Lots of new babies, my Julianna, and my cousin Andrea had triplets in Dec, plus the 2 babies that were born last summer and Owen the year before that. It's like our own little baby boom.
Then we are home again but going to Tulsa for the 4th of July to celebrate it with my in laws.. after that, I think we can relax.,., oh wait!!! Connor and Katie come out the 9th, and Connor will stay till the middle of August, and Katie will spend a week with us, she has her own stuff going on this summer, so we can visit with her for about a week.
Donovan went to Illinois last Sat. to spend the summertime with his dad. Boy, I miss that kid, but he sounds like he is having a great time. He comes back at the end of July.
School starts out here the week of Aug 12, so it's a short summer.
I will try to post some pictures here before too long, I first need to get them off of my camera.
But in the mean time, duty calls and the groceries need to be picked up..
enjoy the summer and if you're where it is hot, do everything you can to stay cool...

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 24.6.09 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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